In the framework of the development of the “Panama Norte” zone as a residential area of first level, Foresta collaborates putting its grain of sand with the construction of two bridges over the Juan Diaz River and a boulevard of circulation. At the culmination of both bridges will be available to all bystanders two channels of circulation in each direction with a wide sidewalk on both sides of the bridge that connects to the cycle track.
Each bridge is made up of two circulation channels with their respective pedestrian sidewalk. The first one show a construction advance of 80% and its completion is estimated for the end of the year. Apart from circulation channels of 3.50 meters, the sidewalk consists of 1.80 meters providing comfort for walking, cycling or skating throughout the area.
This bridge will allow the integration and interconnectivity of Foresta with Green Valley and the rest of projects in “Panama Norte”.
The Foresta project becomes one of the best options when investing in Panama.